Antagonist: NightMan

These colors represent the antagonist’s feelings and style. He lives in the shadows, symbolized by the black. His shady and deceptive lifestyle is also found within the color black. The color white shows he is swift and deadly. It also contrasts nicely with black to show Night Man is complex and twisted. Orange shows the character has color to him, but nothing memorable or noticeable. The sunset also has an orange glow, showing that the passing from light to dark is when Night Man comes out. Together the colors reveal sick man with an untrustworthy exterior, if you can find him.

This ambiguous lighting symbolizes Night Man perfectly. The character is at home in the dark. He is an untrustworthy antagonist covered in darkness and mystery. The picture shows that even in some light, the Night Man is barely visible. He is a recluse and a coward. We can find him moping around in the shadows, delusional with sadness. Physical features are rarely reveled, and his spottings are few and far between. Night Man does his work as if he was never there. His prey rarely suspects him coming. When daylights out he is nowhere to be found, just like his victims.

Night Man is serpentine, long, and slippery. Deception and evasion is his game, which is very noticeable in his snakelike exterior. He is long and traitorous; no one would mistake his curvy, tapering shape as a trustworthy, sane human. Even his thin figure would suggest his elusive behaviors. He is a recluse, a creepy, awkward character with no friends and followers. His shape helps his move silently though the night, from victim to victim. His speed leaves nothing but a long glisten if people happen to catch a glimpse of him. While his elongated exterior would infer a weak body, his speed more then makes up for it.
Protagonist: Mr. Freezer

Mr. Freezer's defining characteristic is his ability to cool objects to freezing levels. This is easily visible in his color pattern. Blue and green typically feel very cold and crisp. White, when mixed with the blue feels the coldest of all, as if it were ice. His colors together make an distinguishably chilly hero. Green and blue also carry very comforting feels. They naturally soothe and feel welcoming, just as Mr. Freezer himself. Opposite of Night Man, the hero seems bright and visible. Mr. Freezer is not here to blend in or shy away. He may be slightly large and slow, but his appearance is friendly.

Mr. Freeze never hides in the dark. He basks in light where ever he goes, mostly because he naturally glows. The color of his glow, like the picture, is blue. While he creates light, it feels cold and blue. His light is powerful and commanding, his presence makes a room glow with complacence. When in the daylight. Mr. Freezer seems like a strong presence. He radiates friendliness, as is evident in his soft aura. Since he is a natural good, the light also symbolizes this. No man with evil intentions could even bask in such light.

Like the object in the picture, Mr. Freezer is large and commanding. The square represents his power and might. Also as suggested, he is slow. Not only does he move rather slowly, but he thinks things through to make sure he does them right. The square symbolizes wisdom, four equal parts working together. He has no weak point and is not easily deterred. His size is unmatched, yet despite that he appears friendly. His great strength makes up for his lack of speed. Slow and steady wins the pace in Mr. Freezer's book.